Life gets overwhelming at times. It’s always something that comes up that demands our time, money or energy. It’s all to often that we put ourselves last on the list.

I know, personally, how hard it can be if you are a caretaker. I had a special needs son with autism and no matter how hard I tried to get some organization in my life, it just didn’t happen. My mom took care of my dad for 14 yrs after he had a devastating stroke. But I’m here to tell you that you still have to find the time to take care of yourself as well. You can’t be a good caregiver if you can’t see, or get sick, or simply run out of anything left to give. This applies to parents as well. The little ones are constantly on the go. I swear if I could bottle all that energy I’d be rich.

I also learned that emotionally you have to take out some time for you to recharge your own batteries. Even if that means nothing but a bubble bath that isn’t interrupted, a few hours to go shopping with a girlfriend, or working out to get your endorphin fix. I know we all put the kids first but you have to at least be on the que somewhere.

Jokingly I say you can tell a mother by her underwear drawer. It has no new underwear, it has runners in it, the elastic is stretched beyond being useful and it has safety pins holding straps together. We laugh but it’s so true. Take the time to get proper dental care. Get your annual eye exam. Do the mammograms whether you like it or not. Take care of you.

Please don’t think I’m preaching because I’m preaching to myself as well. Find the time to take care of you.

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